Positive Affirmations For Kids - Handwriting Worksheets (2024)

Most adults are familiar with positive affirmations — daily mantras that encourage a healthy outlook on life. We sometimes forget how important positive affirmations for kids can be! Lots of people use positive affirmations to start their day off on the right foot, boost their self confidence, and set their goals for the week ahead. It is truly amazing how much a positive attitude can change your whole day!

But, did you know that kids can benefit a lot from positive affirmations too? Positive affirmations for kids are a fantastic way to boost their confidence and spirits. They are also a great way for them to develop their unique sense of self!

I know that nowadays, kids could definitely use some extra positive affirmations. There is a lot of uncertainty and “what-ifs” that could quickly turn into anxiety. Positive affirmations for kids can help calm them and keep their spirits high.

Positive Affirmations For Kids - Handwriting Worksheets (1)

As a teacher, I know that good handwriting skills are super important for my students to have. I am always looking for creative ways to get older kids to practice their handwriting. It is so beneficial for kids to regularly practice their handwriting, especially in this era of remote learning. But, they are not always eager to do so.

Once they reach a certain age, regular “ABC” handwriting practice becomes a boring and monotonous task. Even if they could use some handwriting practice, they will probably feel like they are way too advanced for regular ABCS and just say, “No way!” In fact, I have noticed that handwriting practice is one of the first things that falls to the wayside when students start getting a little older.

I have found that using positive affirmations for kids as handwriting practice is a total win-win situation — they get some great handwriting practice done (no boring ABCs here), and they are sure to leave the exercise with a positive attitude!

Students will love feeling like they are doing a mental activity rather than repetitive practice. They can even take these positive affirmations for kids home with them, and they might just make them a regular part of their routine. Their parents are sure to love them, too!

Positive Affirmations For Kids - Handwriting Worksheets (2)

These Positive Affirmation Handwriting worksheets are available in cursive AND print writing, so your students can get to practice these positive affirmations for kids no matter what type of handwriting they need help with. Some people might say that cursive isn’t as important anymore, but it’s a skill that definitely needs to be on your curriculum!

How do Positive Affirmations Handwriting work?

Each page of these positive affirmations for kids has a practice sentence to trace, as well as blank lines to practice on their own. Once they get comfortable with the tracing portion, they can practice again and again until they feel confident with their work.

The pages also have checklists at the end for self evaluation of punctuation, capitalization, spacing, and to reflect on their best work. Plus, there is room to draw a silly picture that goes along with the positive affirmation!

These positive affirmations for kids will get your students the practice they need without becoming a chore. The added drawing activity is sure to engage all of your students, even if they’re not fans of handwriting practice.

Positive Affirmations For Kids - Handwriting Worksheets (3)

How do I use Positive Affirmations Handwriting in the classroom?

Looking for ways to incorporate these positive affirmations handwriting worksheets into your classroom routine? There are plenty of ways to get use out of these worksheets. They’re so easy to use, too — just print and go. Absolutely no prep work is required! They are perfect for all the busy teachers out there. Here are a few of my favorite ways to use positive affirmations handwriting practice in the classroom:

● Use them for morning warm-ups (a great way to start the day with positive thoughts!)

● Create some handwriting booklets for your students for a one-stop shop complete with all of their handwriting practice worksheets!

● Make reusable handwriting exercises to keep in the classroom (just laminate or place in clear plastic folders and use Expo markers for easy erasing!)

● Send them home with your students for extra practice homework. Parents will be impressed by both the affirmations and handwriting practice!

Positive Affirmations For Kids - Handwriting Worksheets (4)


These positive affirmations for kids printables are definitely one of my favorite ways to encourage healthy positive attitudes while getting in some much needed handwriting practice. They’re perfect for younger students as part of your regular handwriting practice routine, and older kids who need some extra practice will love them too! These worksheets are a fantastic activity that will help to foster confident, happy kids in the classroom. You might be surprised at how positive affirmations for kids can improve your students’ overall attitudes!

  • Grab a copy of the Positive Affirmations for Kids Handwriting in PRINT here!
  • Grab a copy of the Positive Affirmations for Kids Handwriting in CURSIVE here!

What are some of your favorite ways to practice handwriting in the classroom? Will you try out these positive affirmation handwriting worksheets with your students?


Positive Affirmations For Kids - Handwriting Worksheets (2024)


How do you practice affirmations in writing? ›

Here is how to write affirmations, in a step-by-step guide;
  1. Center on yourself with "'I am' statements. ...
  2. Use the present tense. ...
  3. Focus on actions that support your vision of the future. ...
  4. Repeat the affirmation and reframe unhelpful thoughts or experiences to reinforce it.
May 18, 2023

Does writing positive affirmations work? ›

What's more, affirmations have been used to successfully treat people with low self-esteem, depression, and other mental health conditions. [3] And they have been shown to stimulate the areas in our brains that make us more likely to effect positive changes in regard to our health.

How do you use positive affirmation cards for kids? ›

Spend some time with your child every week to hold their hands and look into their eyes as you say positive affirmations to them. Create an affirmation board with your child, adding positive pictures and these affirmation cards to it and putting it up somewhere in their room – somewhere they can see it every day.

What are affirmations for 9 year olds? ›

Positive affirmations for kids about self-esteem

I am important and special. I can be a positive leader to others. I am proud of myself and my accomplishments. Mistakes help me learn and grow.

What are the 3 P of affirmations? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

Is it better to write or say affirmations? ›

Often, people only choose to write down affirmations or read them quietly to themselves. This is a less effective technique. If you can garner the confidence to proudly state affirmations out loud, you could change the neuron structure in your brain which has long lasting effects.

How do you write affirmations 3 times a day? ›

The 369 Method involves writing down positive affirmations 3 times per day. First you pick a goal and write a positive affirmation about it. Then you write it down 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon, and 9 times in the evening. You repeat the process daily until you manifest your goal.

How do you write positive affirmations daily? ›

4. Create Affirmations Built from Your Values
  1. Keep It Positive. Negativity breeds negative results. ...
  2. Be Specific. Vague affirmations are ineffective because they lack the power of specificity. ...
  3. Use Present Tense. ...
  4. Make It Personal. ...
  5. Keep It Short.
Aug 11, 2022

How long should you write affirmations? ›

To get the most benefit from affirmations, you'll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit: Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day.

How many times should affirmations be written? ›

It is recommended to repeat affirmations at least twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. However, some people find it helpful to repeat affirmations more frequently throughout the day, such as every hour or whenever they feel the need for a positive boost.

How many days should I write affirmations? ›

Among the myriad of self-improvement practices, writing affirmations for 21 days has emerged as a potent tool for personal transformation. This practice is not just about wishful thinking; it's about reprogramming the subconscious mind to foster a positive self-image and attract the life you deserve.

Do daily affirmations work for kids? ›

Affirmations can be a powerful tool for children as well. We can teach children to use affirmations to improve their well-being, boost their self-esteem, and encourage creative thinking.

Why are affirmations so powerful for kids? ›

Positive affirmations helps kids to gain confidence, contributes to a growth mindset, and helps kids to truly believe in themselves. Kids need to hear what makes them special and strong over and over again.

What is a positive affirmation worksheet? ›

Positive Affirmation Worksheet. Programming your subconscious by repeating positive statements with focus, intention and belief is a technique called positive affirmations. This Worksheet will walk you through the process of creating your own positive affirmations. Releasing Negative Feelings.

What are positive affirmations for kids to start the day? ›

Today is going to be a great day. I have courage and confidence. I can control my own happiness. I have people who love and respect me.

Do affirmations for kids work? ›

Regularly reciting positive affirmations for self-esteem can interrupt the negative or anxious thoughts some children have. This provides them with an opportunity to retrain and reprogram their brains to think more positive thoughts.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.