120 Positive Affirmations for Kids (2024)

Key Takeaways:

  • Positive affirmations are statements that help counter negative or unhelpful thoughts.
  • Positive affirmations are effective with regular practice.
  • There are many benefits for kids that come with practicing positive affirmations.

It’s natural for kids to feel left out, insecure, and unsure about their abilities. By practicing positive affirmations, they can get a much-needed boost of self-esteem and put themselves on the road to success!

Positive affirmations also reduce stress and anxiety in children while improving academic performance and enhancing emotional regulation [*]. If positive self-talk doesn’t come naturally to your child, these 120 positive affirmations for kids can help get them started.

What are Positive Affirmations?

Positive affirmations are statements or phrases used to counter unhelpful or negative thoughts. Practicing positive affirmations is simple; all you need to do is select a phrase and repeat it to yourself, focusing on what the affirmation is stating. If you often engage in negative self-talk, positive affirmations help combat these thought patterns and replace them with more constructive ones. Positive affirmations can create lasting, long-term changes to how you think and feel with regular practice, especially when used with other tools like character education posters.

How Can Kids Benefit from Positive Affirmations?

There are many benefits to practicing positive affirmations. These include the following:

  • Positive affirmations boost confidence
  • Positive affirmations build resilience
  • Positive affirmations help us with acknowledging challenges
  • Positive affirmations can counter negativity
  • Positive affirmations validate effort
  • Positive affirmations help us practice positivity

In a school setting, positive affirmations can set children up for academic success because they learn to cope adaptively [*].

120Positive Affirmation for Kids

Here is a list of 120 positive affirmations for kids to encourage a mindset of positivity and self-confidence:

  1. I am worthy of all the good things that happen in my life.
  2. My emotions and feelings are valid and should be heard and listened to.
  3. I inhale confidence and exhale fear.
  4. I surround myself with people who bring out the best in me.
  5. I forgive myself and others.
  6. I know that I have good qualities and I recognize them in myself.
  7. It’s okay to be proud of myself and my accomplishments. I worked hard for them.
  8. I accept and love myself, while still striving to improve.
  9. I have the power to create change in my life. I will make small changes today.
  10. Challenges make me stronger, mistakes help me learn, and failures help me grow.
  11. I am cool, calm, and under control.
  12. I can feel my anger and still stay in control.
  13. I won’t take this personally. I’m not going to let this get to me.
  14. Yes, it’s uncomfortable, and I can manage.
  15. I can keep my mind focused on my goals rather than what I’m angry about.
  16. I really don’t have to feel angry about this if I choose not to.
  17. With every breath, I release the anger in me.
  18. It is my choice to feel anger or peace. I choose peace.
  19. This feeling is a reminder to slow down and take some deep breaths.
  20. Dwelling on things I am angry about is not helpful for me to do.
  21. I am grateful for adversity because it allows me to grow.
  22. My strength is greater than any struggle.
  23. I am equipped with all the tools I need to walk through this experience with dignity and grace.
  24. I choose to find hopeful and optimistic ways to look at obstacles and roadblocks.
  25. I let go of worries that drain my energy.
  26. I may stumble, but I never stay on the ground.
  27. My energy is not reserved for worrying. I use my energy to trust, believe, and have faith.
  28. Obstacles are the foundation of my success.
  29. I can do hard things.
  30. I am resilient.
  31. I am confident.
  32. I am getting better and better every day.
  33. Today is a phenomenal day.
  34. I am an unstoppable force of nature.
  35. I am filled with focus.
  36. I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
  37. I can be whatever I want to be.
  38. I am getting healthier every day.
  39. I belong in this world; there are people that care about me and my worth.
  40. Note to self: I am going to make you so proud.
  41. I find joy in being empathetic.
  42. I find it a little easier to be empathetic every day.
  43. I can always see things from other people’s perspectives.
  44. I like to help others.
  45. I know my life will improve if I show more empathy.
  46. I can think of empathetic things to say to others.
  47. I am comfortable showing the right amount of empathy in all situations.
  48. I care about the way other people think.
  49. I can tell the truth and speak my mind while still being sensitive.
  50. I am a caring person, and it shows.
  51. Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.
  52. I am always changing and growing.
  53. I learn something new every day.
  54. I have many strengths, skills, and talents.
  55. Stepping outside of my comfort zone is necessary for growth.
  56. There are always opportunities for me to grow.
  57. Strength comes from growth, and growth comes from challenges.
  58. Even when I mess up, I shouldn’t be too hard on myself. Instead, I will learn from it.
  59. Fear is preventing me from growing. So I let go of it.
  60. It’s always a learning experience, no matter how bleak it is.
  61. I am courageous and can overcome what I fear.
  62. I am unafraid of failure and always want to do better.
  63. I am kind to myself even when times are tough.
  64. Nothing can stop me from trying harder.
  65. I am patient with myself and with others.
  66. I’m so proud of who I’m becoming.
  67. I am a positive influence on my friends.
  68. I inspire others to be better.
  69. I am in control of my choices and my feelings.
  70. I am more than my mistakes.
  71. I am loved just for being me.
  72. I am open and excited for change.
  73. No matter what, I am good enough.
  74. I am complete on my own.
  75. I honor my limitations but always try my hardest.
  76. I am surrounded by love and support.
  77. I am excited to take control of my future.
  78. I am capable of achieving my goals.
  79. Wherever I go, I attract positive energy.
  80. I am grateful for who I am.
  81. I radiate confidence.
  82. No obstacle is too big for me to conquer.
  83. Success is always in my future.
  84. I am a leader and I lead with kindness.
  85. I respect myself and others.
  86. I am a good sport, win or lose.
  87. I am important and my ideas matter.
  88. I am in control of my feelings and actions.
  89. I deserve the good things that come my way.
  90. I can always make the loving choice.
  91. I am walking the road to success.
  92. I can pave the way to a bright, beautiful future.
  93. I am intelligent and creative.
  94. I am an excellent communicator.
  95. I can choose to see the light at the end of the tunnel, even when it feels dark.
  96. I am a go-getter and am excited to take on any challenge.
  97. I am a good problem-solver and can brainstorm good solutions.
  98. I am a fighter, even when I’m knocked down.
  99. Times may be hard, but I’ll always come out successful on the other side.
  100. I attract good vibes and spread them wherever I go.
  101. I am more than the sum of my successes.
  102. I am growing into a confident and hardworking person.
  103. I am so excited to thrive.
  104. I am a valuable member of my community and I love to give back.
  105. My life is abundant with love and success.
  106. I always choose to take the high road, even when it’s difficult.
  107. I don’t need to compare myself to others to feel good enough.
  108. I have unlimited potential within me.
  109. I am a fast learner.
  110. My life is filled with fun, laughter, and joy.
  111. I am healthy and I love my body.
  112. I have a beautiful and creative mind.
  113. I am perfect the way I am, but I’m always willing to do better.
  114. My challenges make me stronger and I’m ready to overcome them.
  115. I can make a difference, no matter how big or small.
  116. I accept who I am and who I am going to become.
  117. I start each day with a positive mindset.
  118. I know I can do it because I believe I can do it.
  119. I am my greatest cheerleader—I’m always rooting for myself!
  120. I am bursting with love for myself and for others.

The Bottom Line

Practicing positive affirmations regularly can help boost your mood and alter your thinking patterns for the better. Practicing the affirmations above and using engaging tools like positive affirmation cards can also contribute to your ability to think critically and solve problems. You can also create your own meaningful phrases to repeat daily.


  1. Cohen G and Sherman D. “The Psychology of Change: Self-Affirmation and Social Psychological Intervention.” Annual Review of Psychology, 2014.
  2. Brady S, et al. “The psychology of the affirmed learner: Spontaneous self-affirmation in the face of stress.” Journal of Educational Psychology, 2016.
120 Positive Affirmations for Kids (2024)


What are the 3 P of affirmations? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

How do you use positive affirmation cards for kids? ›

Spend some time with your child every week to hold their hands and look into their eyes as you say positive affirmations to them. Create an affirmation board with your child, adding positive pictures and these affirmation cards to it and putting it up somewhere in their room – somewhere they can see it every day.

What's the most powerful affirmation? ›

"I am" affirmations offer the strongest powers and forces that allow you to reach your goals. When you use "I am" to start your affirmations, it works in attracting all the good things to you and allows you to forgive and have a forgiving heart for those people who wronged you.

What are 5 positive statements? ›

I have control over my thoughts and feelings. I treat others with respect. I practice patience and understanding with others and myself. I choose to smile and enjoy life to the fullest.

What is the 555 technique affirmations? ›

The 55x5 method is rooted in the principles of the Law of Attraction. It's built upon the idea that consistent focus on a particular desire can attract corresponding events and opportunities into your life. The method involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times for 5 consecutive days.

What is self affirmation for kids? ›

They help them develop a healthy sense of self as well as a positive mental-social-emotional mindset. Put simply, positive affirmations are short, positive statements such as “I am strong” and “I am able.” Affirmations then become mantras when they are repeated over and over to oneself, out loud or silently.

What is a one word affirmation? ›

One-word affirmations may be the tiniest possible affirmations but they hold great power. All the one-word affirmations that you will find today are words with deep meaning and value. You can pick the ones that connect with you strongly in this time of your life and write them down in your journal.

What is an affirmation child development? ›

Developmental affirmations are positive messages that you give to another person or yourself. The affirmation messages give hope and direction by helping us care for others and ourselves.

Do daily affirmations help kids? ›

From waking up the in morning and saying “today I am happy” to coming home from a sports game and saying “I am proud”, positive affirmations will make your kid (and you) feel braver, stronger, confident, and filled with joy. Just a few positive words can turn your kid's day into MAGIC!

Why do children need positive affirmations? ›

Positive affirmations are like acts of kindness and love towards yourself! As children learn behaviors and wire their brain, affirmations can be very effective in nurturing their well-being and mental health as they mature. They build self-esteem, kindness, and love that stays with them throughout their lives.

What is a positive affirmation worksheet? ›

Positive Affirmation Worksheet. Programming your subconscious by repeating positive statements with focus, intention and belief is a technique called positive affirmations. This Worksheet will walk you through the process of creating your own positive affirmations. Releasing Negative Feelings.

What should affirmations start with? ›

Give yourself a little pep talk out loud in front of the mirror, in your car on the way to work or anywhere you happen to be. Start your short positive affirmation with the words, “I am…” “I can…” or “I will…” followed by a present tense statement, says Bathgate.

What is a powerful affirmation to start the day? ›

I am grateful for the abundance in my life. I am worthy of being loved, being happy, and doing what brings me joy. I am joyfully embracing each new day with gratitude. I am experiencing gratitude for everything I have in my life.

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.