updating an Access DB with Excel data via VBA (am I off track here?) | Bytes (2024)

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updating an Access DB with Excel data via VBA (am I off track here?) | Bytes (1) 24 New Member


I have been struggling with this problem for DAYS and have googled my heart out as well as reading any books I could get my hands on but I cannot find any specific references to my problem. I have been able to successfully loop through a directory reading spreadsheets that insert records into an Access database. The spreadsheets in said directory are all of the same format but have different values in the cells. It's when I turned my attention to updating records that already exist in the Access DB that I have hit a brick wall.

I am NOT a VBA expert but have been trying to learn as quickly as possible. I'm sure I'm making lots of kludgy mistakes so I'll apologize in advance for the code that follows. I commented out other attempts I made to get it working. I am using DAO rather than ADO, and the application needs to be automated so I cannot have manual interventions hence the VBA code.

I'm hoping that it's just my neophyte status that is keeping it from working but maybe I cannot do it this way. In a nutshell, I don't know how to "tell" VBA that I want to compare an incoming cell in the Excel spreadsheet with the corresponding field in access to see if they are the same. If they are, of course I want to update not add a new record.

here is the code:

Expand|Select|Wrap|Line Numbers

  1. SubTestProc()
  2. DimlCountAsLong
  3. DimwbResultsAsWorkbook
  4. DimwbCodeBookAsWorkbook
  5. Application.ScreenUpdating=False
  6. Application.DisplayAlerts=False
  7. Application.EnableEvents=False
  8. OnErrorResumeNext
  9. SetwbCodeBook=ThisWorkbook
  10. WithApplication.FileSearch
  11. .NewSearch
  12. 'Remembertochangepathtolocalconditionsofriskgroup
  13. .LookIn="C:\DocumentsandSettings\basbergb\Desktop\usethisone_risk\pristine\access\IncomingRiskCandidateFiles"
  14. .FileType=msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
  15. .Filename="*.xls"
  16. If.Execute>0Then'Workbooksinfolder
  17. ForlCount=1To.FoundFiles.Count'Loopthroughall.
  18. SetwbResults=Workbooks.Open(Filename:=.FoundFiles(lCount),UpdateLinks:=0)
  19. DimdbAsDAO.Database,rsAsDAO.Recordset,rAsInteger,AnsAsInteger,myWSAsWorksheet,critAsString
  20. Setdb=OpenDatabase("C:\DocumentsandSettings\basbergb\desktop\usethisone_risk\pristine\access\risk.mdb")
  21. Setrs=db.OpenRecordset("CandidateRisk",dbOpenTable)
  22. SetmyWS=Sheets("CandidateRiskWorksheet")
  23. Dimrs1AsDAO.Recordset
  24. 'getallrecordsinatable
  25. 'r=2'startingrowintheworksheet
  26. 'DoWhileLen(Range("A"&r).Formula)>0
  27. 'DoWhiler<4
  28. 'rs1.FindFirst"title=myWS.Range('B7').Value"
  29. 'rs.FindFirst"CandidateRisk.title=bob"
  30. 'Debug.Printrs.Fields("title")
  31. 'Setrs1=db.OpenRecordset("select*fromCandidateRiskwheretitle='7'")
  32. rs1.FindFirst("title=7")
  33. Ifrs1.EOFThen
  34. 'Ifrs.NoMatchThen
  35. Withrs
  36. .AddNew'createanewrecord
  37. 'addvaluestoeachfieldintherecord
  38. .Fields("title")=myWS.Range("B7").Value
  39. .Fields("status")=myWS.Range("K7").Value
  40. .Fields("IDby")=myWS.Range("B11").Value
  41. .Fields("IPT_WGID")=myWS.Range("G11").Value
  42. .Fields("dateID")=myWS.Range("K11").Value
  43. .Fields("riskOwner")=myWS.Range("B14").Value
  44. .Fields("IPT_WGRO")=myWS.Range("G14").Value
  45. .Fields("dateAssigned")=myWS.Range("K14").Value
  46. .Fields("dateFirstPresented")=myWS.Range("K17").Value
  47. .Fields("ifThenPerf")=myWS.Range("C19").Value
  48. .Fields("sitPerf")=myWS.Range("C20").Value
  49. .Fields("LH_Perf")=myWS.Range("E21").Value
  50. .Fields("CQ_Perf")=myWS.Range("E22").Value
  51. .Fields("RHA_Perf")=myWS.Range("F23").Value
  52. .Fields("ifThenCost")=myWS.Range("C19").Value
  53. .Fields("sitCost")=myWS.Range("C20").Value
  54. .Fields("LH_Cost")=myWS.Range("E21").Value
  55. .Fields("CQ_Cost")=myWS.Range("E22").Value
  56. .Fields("RHA_Cost")=myWS.Range("F23").Value
  57. .Fields("ifThenSched")=myWS.Range("C19").Value
  58. .Fields("sitSched")=myWS.Range("C20").Value
  59. .Fields("LH_Sched")=myWS.Range("E21").Value
  60. .Fields("CQ_Sched")=myWS.Range("E22").Value
  61. .Fields("RHA_Sched")=myWS.Range("F23").Value
  62. .Fields("DAESriskFactor")=myWS.Range("B40").Value
  63. .Fields("reqRiskBasedOn")=myWS.Range("J40").Value
  64. .Update'storesthenewrecord
  65. EndWith
  66. Ans=MsgBox("CandidateRiskwrittentoAccessdatabase",vbInformation,"TransferredData")
  67. 'r=r+1
  68. 'Loop
  69. Else
  70. crit="7"
  71. rs.MoveFirst
  72. rs.Index="title"
  73. rs.Seek"=",crit
  74. MsgBoxrs!Title
  75. rs.Edit
  76. rs!Title=myWS.Range("B7").Value
  77. rs!Status=myWS.Range("K7").Value
  78. rs!IDby=myWS.Range("B11").Value
  79. rs!IPT_WGID=myWS.Range("G11").Value
  80. rs!dateID=myWS.Range("K11").Value
  81. rs!riskOwner=myWS.Range("B14").Value
  82. rs!IPT_WGRO=myWS.Range("G14").Value
  83. rs!dateAssigned=myWS.Range("K14").Value
  84. rs!dateFirstPresented=myWS.Range("K17").Value
  85. rs!ifThenPerf=myWS.Range("C19").Value
  86. rs!sitPerf=myWS.Range("C20").Value
  87. rs!LH_Perf=myWS.Range("E21").Value
  88. rs!CQ_Perf=myWS.Range("E22").Value
  89. rs!RHA_Perf=myWS.Range("F23").Value
  90. rs!ifThenCost=myWS.Range("C19").Value
  91. rs!sitCost=myWS.Range("C20").Value
  92. rs!LH_Cost=myWS.Range("E21").Value
  93. rs!CQ_Cost=myWS.Range("E22").Value
  94. rs!RHA_Cost=myWS.Range("F23").Value
  95. rs!ifThenSched=myWS.Range("C19").Value
  96. rs!sitSched=myWS.Range("C20").Value
  97. rs!LH_Sched=myWS.Range("E21").Value
  98. rs!CQ_Sched=myWS.Range("E22").Value
  99. rs!RHA_Sched=myWS.Range("F23").Value
  100. rs!DAESriskFactor=myWS.Range("B40").Value
  101. rs!reqRiskBasedOn=myWS.Range("J40").Value
  102. rs.Update
  103. Ans=MsgBox("Successfullyeditedtherecord",vbInformation,"Updatedvalues")
  104. EndIf
  105. rs.Close
  106. Setrs=Nothing
  107. db.Close
  108. Setdb=Nothing
  109. wbResults.CloseSaveChanges:=True
  110. NextlCount
  111. EndIf
  112. EndWith
  113. OnErrorGoTo0
  114. Application.ScreenUpdating=True
  115. Application.DisplayAlerts=True
  116. Application.EnableEvents=True
  117. EndSub

Thank you (so much) in advance for reading my post and hopefully steering me in the right direction.

P.S. I see that advice is often "link to excel from access" but I don't think that will do it for me in this case, right?

Thanks again.

Jan 4 '07

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11 updating an Access DB with Excel data via VBA (am I off track here?) | Bytes (2) 5754 updating an Access DB with Excel data via VBA (am I off track here?) | Bytes (3)

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24 updating an Access DB with Excel data via VBA (am I off track here?) | Bytes (4) New Member

good idea.

Jan 7 '07 #11



32,564 updating an Access DB with Excel data via VBA (am I off track here?) | Bytes (6) Recognized Expert Moderator MVP

Thanks for the reply Adrian. Even though it's almost 1 am here I had to try your suggestion. I'm wondering about it though (after I got an error) because riskIndex is an index in the Access database while the range for the excel spreadsheet (actually it's just one cell) is called STRrtitle. The field in the database is called rtitle. It is only the index that's called riskIndex. Also, I have another reference to rs.index that isn't commented out in a With...End With block a little further down.

I hope you have a chance to reply again. I am very grateful. I have finally started to lose my mind over this problem as it has been consuming me for over a week...
Sorry for all the related and confusing variable/index names.


Almost 01:00 - mine was past 03:00 ;)
This of course, was prepared yesterday for a reply but I was running late for my nephew's surprise 18th birthday party so I had to rush out quickly.
I'm delighted that you've managed to sort out your problem on your own. If truth be told, that's always a better resolution as you learn better that way.
Not always practical or possible though.
Killer's advice is, as always, worth following. Debugging is a very important part of finding and fixing problems - please ask in here for tips if required.
The Locals window, for instance, can be very useful.
Anyway, this one's fixed so that's all good :)

Jan 7 '07 #12


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