How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (2024)

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Posted byBy themadprogramerMay 31, 202128 CommentsPosted inTutorial

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (1)

Yahoo! Groups, once upon a time a hub to many online communities, was shut down in 2020. Yahoo! Groups used to host mailing lists going as far back as 1997, and perhaps you may have once been a part of it yourself. Users were offered a Get Your Data tool to download their messages and other data, prior to the shutdown, but many people were unable to respond on short notice.

Thankfully, owing to the efforts of the Save Yahoo Groups Project and Archive Team the data of many groups has been preserved. If you missed out on the GYD tool, you might still be able to retrieve your groups’ data by following the steps below.

Saving Private Groups: This Time the Mission is the Fan

To begin, can you remember your group’s name? If yes, the following steps will go by a lot faster; but if not, you might want to make a list of potential names to go by. Was the name of your group Fireflylovers, or Firefliers, or LoversofFF? Write down all likely candidates.

For demonstration’s sake let’s search for data on NFforKids, a non-fiction writing group.

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (2)

Let’s perform a metadata search, to see when NFforKids was started. Head over to the Yahoo Groups Metadata Collection page on the Internet Archive. Ignoring the no preview warning, either click on Show all files or scroll down until you see DOWNLOAD OPTIONS on the right side of the page.

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (3)

Click on COMMA-SEPARATED VALUES, to reveal a list of files. Since NFforKids starts with an N, if it does exist, it will be indexed under master_N.csv. Download this CSV file to your device.

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (4)

You can now open this CSV file using Excel or another spreadsheet program. Search for NFforKids to find the corresponding information row. What do you know? NFforKids was started on 11 June 2000. You can scroll accross this row to find the group’s primary language, the category of the group, if the group was public or not, and more!

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (5)

If you weren’t able to find metadata on your group, it’s time to pull up that list I told you to make above. Fall back to the other candidates and try another name. If the first letter (or two) of this second name is different, you will need to download the corresponding CSV file before resuming your search.

Please note that while the Yahoo! Groups collections on the Internet Archive are thorough, they are NOT exhaustive. It is entirely possible that data on your group might have been missed. That being said the metadata collection sports a whopping 1.1 million groups. Even if you weren’t able to find your group in the first round, it is very likely that you may have misremembered the name, so keep on trying!

Once you have confirmed the name of your group, and that it has been catalogued in the Metadata Collection, you can then download the corresponding TAR file, which contains even more details. Again, if we’re looking for a group called NFforKids we’ll be looking for the first two letters from the list. That’s NF.tar for NFforKids.

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (6)

If you’re on Mac or Linux, you should be able to open this .tar file to reveal a folder titled media. If you’re on Windows, you can use 7-zip to open it. This TAR file contains the same information as the CSV, plus additional details. Did the group have spam filtering, was media sharing allowed or was the group text-only? You might even find the URL for group images, although unfortunately most of those links are now dead.

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (7)

Stats are fine and dandy, but what about messages or activity? If your group was restricted, tough luck, you’ll need to find a member who made a GYD copy before the shutdown. This is where our luck with NFforKids has run out, seeing as chats of the group were not public. For the final step, let’s switch to a public group whose history is visible. We’ll go with nfwritersontheirwayup. Messages in this group were visible to all subscribers, so archivists were able to grab its contents.

Raw data collections are stored in assorted, non-alphabetic, batches. To see if a group has its raw data available on the Internet Archive, simply query subject:"yahoo groups" nfwritersontheirwayup. If you get any results, your group’s raw data is most likely located here. You can double check the item description to be sure that nfwritersontheirwayup is indeed included in the batch.

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (8)

Pop open the WEB ARCHIVE GZ download option from the left side of the page. Scroll down until you see nfwritersontheirwayup.bcqkJvN.warc.gzand proceed to download. To unpack this gzip you can use thegzip -d nfwritersontheirwayup.bcqkJvN.warc.gz command on Unix systems or good old 7-zip on Windows.

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (9)

Last but not least, you’ll need a WARC viewer. If this is your first time with WARCs is very straightforward and runs right out of your browser. Simply upload the WARC contents of the group and voila, you can now navigate through the group’s chat logs.

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (10)

Recovering your Yahoo! Groups from yesteryear is as simple as that. Got any questions? Or perhaps you have made some worthwhile discoveries while group hunting. Comment below!


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Last updated on May 31, 2021

How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (11)


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  1. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (14)Athemadprogramer


    June 1, 2021,2:53 pm

    Here’s to you, Jimmy; hoping that you and the other members of `nfwritersontheirwayup` cross paths again, someday, somewhere…

  2. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (15)Karl


    November 25, 2021,6:46 pm

    I wish that this was simpler. I am lost, thus far.

  3. Reply

    January 25, 2022,5:59 pm

    I’m a code programmer let me know if I can help by the way your explain was hard to follow for me.

    • How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (18)Anonymous


      January 13, 2024,5:04 pm

      That would be awesome, but so far have not heard anything. Thanks. Would love seeing the yahoo groups return even if we can’t post but can read.

    • How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (19)Anonymous


      January 13, 2024,5:05 pm

      That would be great even if just to read.

    • How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (20)caro


      January 13, 2024,5:07 pm


  4. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (21)Anonymous


    February 11, 2022,5:49 pm

    this makes no sense!

  5. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (22)Cindy


    February 25, 2022,11:56 pm

    Hi dear Jimmy, thank you sooooo much for your explanation. I’ve recovered the messages of a beloved and deeply missed Yahoo Group, it was almost instantly using only my smartphone! God bless you!!!

  6. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (23)KarenV.


    February 26, 2022,5:22 pm

    The instructions skip steps between downloading the csv file for the right starting letter (I’ve done that, and found the name of the group in the CVS file) and determining that that group was archived and downloading the tar file. There’s a huge disconnect there. I’m staring at the line in the csv file that has the name of my group, and I can’t figure out from the instructions what to look at next or what my next move is.

  7. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (24)Frank


    April 4, 2022,5:11 pm

    I tried to view my old TYPEWRITERS group. I found the correct web archive GZ, including many Yahoo Groups. Than I opened the WARC at the replayweb-page. But I see only the first records of other groups in the same batch. It doesn’t look like a webpage either. How can I read the TYPEWRITER group mails from there? Thanks!

    • How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (25)Judy


      September 14, 2022,7:48 am

      Frank did you figure out how to decipher the WARC data ? I am at that point now and no way to search for the data but just open all the url messages on-by-one and try to interpret the json language. Any help would be appreciated.

  8. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (26)Chris


    June 21, 2022,11:56 am

    Sorry to say I found the instructions very difficult to follow, and even after I more or less figured them out, still couldn’t understand how to recover anything. I always told myself I wouldn’t do Facebook, but at least there are still chat groups there, so maybe some of my old groupmates have joined them.

    • How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (27)Michelle Menard


      March 11, 2023,5:53 am

      I found the instructions very difficult to understand as well

  9. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (28)Chris


    July 3, 2022,10:24 am

    I also could not understand how to accomplish a recovery from these instructions. I am a professional content editor and would be happy to devote some time to this effort. Clarity is my specialty: writing instruction manuals. In any case the first step here is to clearly tell the reader to what address must they go to start their search. (Notice I wrote “their” instead of “there” which indicates I know how to write.)

    • How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (29)Athemadprogramer


      July 3, 2022,6:31 pm

      Hi. It’s a verbose process unfortunately. The team behind the archive is working on making a better index/searching system, but until then it’s quite a manually involved process.

      At the very least, we do want to make a video tutorial, to save people the time and effort of reading, but just haven’t gotten around to it yet. If you are a content creator yourself, please do feel free to go ahead and one-up us if you can (^_^)

    • How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (30)Lindsay


      August 2, 2022,10:32 pm

      Hello! I’ve made it to the last step, but when I click on a link, it says that the page “is not part of this archive.” And to “click here” to load the live page on a new tab. Though, nothing comes up. Did I miss something?

  10. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (31)KG


    September 14, 2022,7:27 am

    It’s frustrating. I found every group that I wanted to look up, but every one was members-only. I even remember my account name and password >_< The internet has failed me!

  11. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (32)RAFAEL GERARDO MAGAÑA SANTOS (YO)


    December 15, 2022,1:32 am


  12. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (33)RAFAEL GERARDO MAGAÑA SANTOS (YO)


    December 15, 2022,1:33 am

    Thank You for helping me, to cover my yahoo account

  13. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (34)RAFAEL GERARDO MAGAÑA SANTOS (YO)


    December 15, 2022,1:34 am

    I am so glad to belong again, to the wonderful Yahoo groups

  14. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (35)Katherine


    January 17, 2023,8:29 am

    I was so disappointed to find out that the wonderful Yahoo Groups was no longer supported. I wonder if the ones I belonged to opened up elsewhere. It was great to have them all in one spot.

  15. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (36)Stevarino


    February 18, 2023,8:04 pm

    Found the targets group but Is there some format available to make all the messages readable amidst the raw code?

  16. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (37)Wade Casaldi


    March 26, 2023,1:41 am

    Thank you so much, I have my group back, even though it looks all messed up with formatting information. Google Chrome book doesn’t seem to like the formatting information, it just prints it as text. But getting the WARC file to actually load and be readable even if mixed up is wonderful. I can piece it all back together in a document.

  17. Reply

    April 27, 2023,6:47 pm

    Wow – Must admit that I am still working on these steps. I was moderator of the Eva Cassidy group for over a decade. I’d so very much like to retrieve the messages.

  18. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (39)Anonymous


    June 18, 2023,1:46 pm

    These instructions are a JOKE, right???

  19. How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (40)Tom


    July 16, 2023,3:33 am

    Thanks for setting this up and posting. You had all the info I needed to get the yahoo group archives I was looking for. Thank you! However, perhaps have an executive summary at the top to distill the process. Something like:
    1) go to
    2) Search for your group name under “search collections”
    3) if you find your group, click through on the icon, then download the “WEB ARCHIVE GZ” from the right (it will download a warc.gz file)
    4) after you unzip the warc.gz, use an online tool like to read the raw warc file
    5) note: you can also rename the warc file to warc.txt and then search/process it on your computer as a giant text file (which can be easier to manage than many warc browsers, particularly if you are good with unix)

  20. Reply

    August 12, 2023,5:31 am

    How can I recover the data from the two YAHOO GROUPS i had. Malakpet Group and SV Sales

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How to recover your Yahoo! Groups from the Internet Archive (2024)


What happened to the old Yahoo Groups? ›

On February 1, 2020, Yahoo! removed online access to discussions and all other features except simple membership management, essentially turning all groups into mailing lists, and on October 13, 2020, it announced that Yahoo Groups would shut down completely on December 15, 2020.

How do I find my Yahoo Groups? ›

To search for a group, start at the “Groups Home” page. Enter your query in the search box and click the “Search Groups” button. You'll be presented with a list of all the groups that match your query. To search for specific messages within one of your groups, select the group from your list of groups on the left rail.

Are Yahoo Groups still active? ›

Yahoo Groups was once the world's largest collection of online discussion boards but, from January 31, 2020, it was gone for good, and all content posted was permanently deleted. If you're looking for a Yahoo groups alternative you're in the right place.

Is there a replacement for Yahoo Groups? › is a modern platform for online groups that offer many of the same features as Yahoo Groups, including email-based discussions, file sharing, and group calendars. It also offers a clean and easy-to-use interface and can be integrated with other tools like Slack and Trello.

Why did Yahoo Groups shut down? ›

Yahoo said supporting the platform “no longer fit” with its long-term strategy, citing low use. At the same time, Yahoo is indicating it's moving away from hosting user-generated content. “Yahoo Groups has seen a steady decline in usage over the last several years,” Yahoo said in a FAQ about the shutdown.

What happened to the old Yahoo chat rooms? ›

Chat, which was a public chat room service. The actual client, originally called Yahoo! Pager, launched on March 9, 1998 and renamed to Yahoo! Messenger in 1999. The chat room service shut down in 2012.

Where are my Yahoo folders? ›

If you cannot see your folders in Yahoo!, it is possible that you need to click the triangular arrow that points to the word Folders in the left column of the screen.

How do I join Yahoo Groups? ›

If you are NOT already a member of Yahoo Groups, just click on the appropriate button below, which will take you to the correct group. You will see, at the upper right of the screen, near the top (but not at the absolute top) a button labeled "Join this Group". Click on it . Another screen will appear temporarily.

Does anyone use Yahoo anymore? ›

Does anyone still use Yahoo email? Yahoo Mail reported 227.8 Million users in 2023 compared to Gmail with 1.8 billion users. So while Yahoo is used by far fewer people, it's safe to say that it's still a key email player.

Does Yahoo Mail have groups? ›

Yahoo is one of the big three regarding email providers, and learning how to create a group in yahoo mail is relatively simple. Once you've set one up, you can quickly and easily send group emails via either CC or BCC.

Does Yahoo still operate? ›

On June 13, 2017, Verizon completed the acquisition of Yahoo and Marissa Mayer resigned. Yahoo, AOL, and HuffPost were to continue operating under their own names, under the umbrella of a new company, Oath Inc., later called Verizon Media.

How to find old Yahoo Groups? ›

Head over to the Yahoo Groups Metadata Collection page on the Internet Archive. Ignoring the no preview warning, either click on Show all files or scroll down until you see DOWNLOAD OPTIONS on the right side of the page. Click on COMMA-SEPARATED VALUES , to reveal a list of files.

What email is better than Yahoo? ›

The best overall Yahoo! Mail alternative is Microsoft Outlook. Other similar apps like Yahoo! Mail are Zoho Mail, Protonmail, Google Workspace, and Superhuman. Yahoo! Mail alternatives can be found in Email Software but may also be in Email Management Software or Calendar Software.

What is the name of Yahoo new group chat app that is launched for Android and IOS? ›

Yahoo has just entered the densely competitive market of messaging apps by releasing its own new group chat app named Squirrel.

What happened to old Yahoo email accounts? ›

Can I still access my old Yahoo account? Yahoo may delete inactive accounts that haven't logged in for 12 months. If, by case, your mailbox wasn't deleted, you could still access it after 1 year of inactivity.

What happened to Yahoo together? ›

was discontinued on April 4, 2019.

What happened to Yahoo Personals? ›

A site with the same fate as Craigslists' personals, Yahoo! Personals shuttered in 2010 when it merged with Match. Like then-competitors and more modern apps, Yahoo! Personals required you to make a profile and, after a free trial, cost anywhere from $15 to $30 a month.

Is classic Yahoo Mail going away? ›

"Beginning the week of June 3, 2013, older versions of Yahoo! Mail (including Yahoo! Mail Classic) will no longer be available," it said in a Yahoo! Help post. After Monday, users can only access their Yahoo email accounts if they upgrade to the new version.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.